How are you boarding practitioner… really ?
An independent listening space, starting where you are …
A independent space for you to share with a professsional who has walked in your shoes
Sometimes you just need an outside perspective on what is happening in your boarding world. We provide an independent listener for the boarders in your care- but what about the staff who are mananing the day to day lives of many people of all ages.
As an independent listener , I meet you where you are – your thoughts, feelings and together we opne the door to your world and look at ways to move forward. In many helping professionals, practitioners like you would have a space to reflect and it is now time to being this into a boarding world.
How can I help you ?
Applying in the international market place ? Let me share what I know to help you
Need support to be well in your boarding world? Let me be the independent MHFA to help you
Need some strategies to step up, stay well or .. ? It is time to chat with a plan
Lonely and just want a chat about your world? Sometimes a chat outside can lead to action inside
This is a space. A boarding smart space, where you can be at the top of your agenda in time where you are supporting others – and now you need to have someone in your corner.
‘It is a time to extend the concept of independent listeners to boarding practitioners. An outside space where you can share- with someone outside that can support what is happening inside. Creating the future boarding world with this is mind is a ground breaking, exciting and forward thinking innovation.’’ Tracy Shand
You listen to young people every day, but when was the last time someone really listened to you.
You know what that feels like, a space to look at your thoughts and make changes one conversation at a time,
A one hour independent chat starts here. Contact us to start the conversation,